Oral Tradition Volume 5, Number 1January 1990

About the Authors

John D. Smith

John D. Smith, Lecturer in Sanskrit at Cambridge University, has worked for many years on the Sanskrit Mahābhārata and on oral epic material in the Rajasthani language, primarily the narrative of the hero-deity pābūjī. His book on The Epic of Ptibiljf: A Study, Transcription and Translation will be published in 1990.

Edgard Richard Sienaert

Founder of the Oral Documentation and Research Centre at the University of Natal and Professor of French, Edgard Sienaert has experience with a variety of European and African oral traditions. His and Richard Whitaker’s The Oral Style, a translation of Marcel Jousse’s infl uential work on orality and gesture, is forthcoming in the Albert Bates Lord Studies in Oral Tradition.

Wilhelm Radloff

Wilhelm Radloff’s biography is not available.

Marie Nelson

Marie Nelson received her Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in 1973, and has taught a variety of medieval literature, linguistics, and writing courses at the University of Florida. She has published two books, Structures of Opposition in Old English Poetry (1989) and Judith, Juliana, and Elene: Three Fighting Saints (1991), as well as a number of essays on Old, Middle, and modern English literature in Speculum, Neophilologus, Mythlore, Oral Tradition, and other journals.

Matija Murko

Matija Murko’s biography is not available.

Keith Dickson

Presently assistant professor of classics at Purdue University, Keith Dickson has published on Homer, Pindar, and ancient medicine. He is currently writing a book on the Homeric epics, with special emphasis on the contribution of modern theories of narrative.

Ward Parks

Ward Parks is the author of Verbal Dueling in Heroic Narrative: The Old English and Homeric Traditions (1990) and numerous articles combining interests in medieval English and ancient Greek oral traditional poetry with a perspective from contemporary critical theory. He now resides in Ahmednagar, India, where he has served since 1998 as part of a research team editing and reconstructing materials for the Avatar Meher Baba Trust.

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