Epics Along the Silk Roads

Oral Tradition Volume 11, Number 1March 1996

About the Authors

Lotte Tarkka

Lotte Tarkka’s biography is not available.

Nicole Revel

Nicole Revel is Emeritus Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris (CNRS). Her recent publications include Songs of Memory in Islands of Southeast Asia (2013, ed.) and Literature of Voice: Epics in the Philippines (2008, ed.). She has conducted extensive fieldwork for over forty years on Palawan language and oral traditions, and in 1991 began documenting Palawan intangible heritage with the goal of a multimedia archive in mind, now The Philippine Epics and Ballads Archive.

B.A. Viveka Rai

B.A. Viveka Rai’s biography is not available.

S. Ju. Nekljudov

S. Ju. Nekljudov’s biography is not available.

Petteri Koskikallio

Petteri Koskikallio’s biography is not available.

Lauri Honko

Lauri Honko’s biography is not available.

Lauri Honko

Lauri Honko’s biography is not available.

Walter Heissig

Walter Heissig’s biography is not available.

Lauri Harvilahti

Lauri Harvilahti is the Director of the Folklore Archives of the Finnish Literature Society. His research interests and activities include epic poetry, Finnish Kalevala poetry, folklore archive research, ethno-cultural worldviews, issues of cultural identity, and the history of folkloristics. He has carried out fieldwork in Russia, the Upper Altay in China, India, Bangladesh, and Kenya. His publications include four monographs, seven singly edited or co-edited volumes, and several dozen articles or book chapters, in various languages.

Harry Halén

Harry Halén’s biography is not available.

Alla Alieva

Alla Alieva’s biography is not available.

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