Festschrift for Walter J. Ong

Oral Tradition Volume 2, Number 1January 1987

Table of Contents

Editor's Column
The Cosmic Myths of Homer and Hesiod
by Eric A. Havelock
Characteristics of Orality
by Albert B. Lord
The Complexity of Oral Tradition
by Bruce A. Rosenberg
Man, Muse, and Story: Psychohistorical Patterns in Oral Epic Poetry
by John Miles Foley
The Authority of the Word in St. John’s Gospel: Charismatic Speech, Narrative Text, Logocentric Metaphysics
by Werner H. Kelber
Early Christian Creeds and Controversies in the Light of the Orality-Literacy Hypothesis
by Thomas J. Farrell
Orality and Textuality in Medieval Castilian Prose
by Dennis P. Seniff
Peter Ramus, Walter Ong, and the Tradition of Humanistic Learning
by Peter Sharratt
The Ramist Style of John Udall: Audience and Pictorial Logic in Puritan Sermon and Controversy
by John G. Rechtien
“Voice” and “Address” in Literary Theory
by William J. Kennedy
The Making of the Novel and the Evolution of Consciousness
by Ruth El Saffar
Two Functions of Social Discourse: From Lope de Vega to Miguel de Cervantes
by Elias L. Rivers
The Harmony of Time in Paradise Lost
by Robert Kellogg
Orality and Literacy in Matter and Form: Ben Franklin’s Way to Wealth
by Thomas J. Steele
A Remark on Silence and Listening
by Paolo Valesio
Speech Is the Body of the Spirit: The Oral Hermeneutic in the Writings of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
by Harold M. Stahmer
Rahner on Sprachregelung: Regulation of Language? Of Speech?
by Frans Jozef van Beeck
Literacy, Commerce, and Catholicity: Two Contexts of Change and Invention
by Randolph F. Lumpp
Coming of Age in the Global Village
by James M. Curtis
Orality-Literacy Studies and the Unity of the Human Race
by Walter J. Ong
About the Authors

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