Synopses of Oral Traditions (1)

Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1March 2003


Pdf_icon Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1 Cover
Pdf_icon Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1 Front Matter
Pdf_icon Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1 Editor’s Column
Pdf_icon Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1 About the Authors

Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1 Articles

Pdf_iconThe People’s Poetry
by Steve Zeitlin
Pdf_iconThe Poem Performed
by Felice Belle
Pdf_iconThe Heike in Japan
by Elizabeth Oyler
Pdf_iconJapanese Noh and Heike katari
by Shelley Fenno Quinn
Pdf_iconJapanese Oral Tradition
by Sybil Thornton
Pdf_iconPerformed Narratives and Music in Japan
by Alison Tokita
Pdf_iconThe Japanese Tale of the Heike
by Yamashita Hiroaki
Pdf_iconOral Tradition in New Testament Studies
by Richard A. Horsley
Pdf_iconOral Tradition and Rabbinic Studies
by Martin S. Jaffee
Pdf_iconOral Tradition in Bible and New Testament Studies
by Werner H. Kelber
Pdf_iconOral Tradition and Biblical Scholarship
by Susan Niditch
Pdf_iconPerformance Praxis and Oral Tradition
by Elizabeth C. Fine
Pdf_iconTradition as Communication
by Thomas A. McKean
Pdf_iconHomer as Oral Tradition
by Egbert J. Bakker
Pdf_iconOral Tradition and Hellenistic Epic: New Directions in Apollonius of Rhodes
by Michael Barnes
Pdf_iconThe Homeric Question: An Issue for the Ancients?
by David Bouvier
Pdf_iconAncient Greek Oral Genres
by Casey Dué
Pdf_iconHomer and the Oral Tradition
by Mark W. Edwards
Pdf_iconNeoanalysis and Oral Tradition in Homeric Studies
by Margalit Finkelberg
Pdf_iconThe Grain of Greek Voices
by Richard Martin
Pdf_iconOral Poetics and Homeric Poetry
by Gregory Nagy
Pdf_iconHomeric Studies
by Steve Reece
Pdf_iconThe Reception of Homer as Oral Poetry
by M. D. Usher
Pdf_icon“Oral Tradition”: Weasel Words or Transdisciplinary Door to Multiplexity?
by Ruth Finnegan
Pdf_iconZulu Oral Art
by H.C. Groenewald
Pdf_iconOral Tradition in the Context of Verbal Art
by Thomas A. Hale
Pdf_iconThe Global and the Local with a Focus on Africa
by Beverly Stoeltje
Pdf_iconOrality in Tibet
by Anne Klein
Pdf_iconThe Metamorphosing Field of Chaoxianzu Oral Literature
by Peace B. Lee
Pdf_iconTibetan Oral Epic
by Yang Enhong
Pdf_iconOral Tradition in Lithuania
by Lina Bugiene
Pdf_iconTranslating Lithuanian Poetry
by Jonas Zdanys
Pdf_iconThe Perspective from Folklore Studies
by Pertti Anttonen
Pdf_iconStumbling with/over Scripts: Vignettes
by Daniel Avorgbedor
Pdf_iconSome Reflections on the “People’s Slam of Radivoje Ilić”: Thoughts on the Interplay of the Oral and Visual
by Joel M. Halpern
Pdf_iconContinual Morphing
by Lee Haring
Pdf_iconFrame Tales and Oral Tradition
by Bonnie D. Irwin
Pdf_iconOral Poetry in the Foreign Language Classroom
by Catharine Mason
Pdf_iconOral History
by Amy Shuman
Pdf_iconA Plea for an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Arab Oral Tradition
by Saad A. Sowayan
Pdf_icon“Oral Tradition” in a Technologically Advanced World
by Timothy R. Tangherlini
Pdf_iconOral Tradition and Folkloristics
by Ülo Valk
Pdf_iconBasque Bertsolaritza
by Linda White

Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1 Complete Issue

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Pdf_icon Oral Tradition Volume 18, Number 1 Complete Issue - Individual PDFs

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