John Miles Foley, Founding Editor

Peter Friedlander

Peter Friedlander has been Senior Lecturer in Hindi-Urdu at the Australian National University since 2012. He was previously Hindi lecturer at La Trobe University Melbourne and Senior Hindi lecturer at the National University of Singapore. He studied in Varanasi from 1977 to 1982 and at London University from 1983 to 1991. His Ph.D. dissertation examined the medieval Indian poet saint Raidās “The Life and Works of Sant Raidās” (1991). His research interests include studies of Indian religious traditions and the relationship between religion and politics. His recent publications include: “The Theory and Practice of the Mandala: Ritual and Identity in the Kabīr Panth” in Asian Horizons; The Treasury of Devotion: Sant Charandas's Bhaktipadarth (2014); “Muni Ratnacandra’s Nine Jain Questions for Christians,” International Journal of Jaina Studies; and “Kabīr and the Print Sphere,” Thesis Eleven.

Articles by Peter Friedlander


Kabīr: Oral to Manuscript Transitions

Volume 29, Issue 2 (October, 2015)

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