Arabic Oral Traditions

Oral Tradition Volume 4, Number 1-2January 1989


Pdf_icon Oral Tradition Volume 4, Number 1-2 Editor’s Column

Oral Tradition Volume 4, Number 1-2 Articles

Pdf_iconOral Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad: A Formulaic Approach
by R. Marston Speight
Pdf_icon“Tonight My Gun is Loaded”: Poetic Dueling in Arabia
by Saad A. Sowayan
Pdf_iconPalestinian Improvised-Sung Poetry: The Genres of Hidā and Qarrādī Performance and Transmission
by Dirghām H. Sbait
Pdf_iconOral Transmission in Arabic Music, Past and Present
by George D. Sawa
Pdf_iconSīrāt Banī Hilāl: Introduction and Notes to an Arab Oral Epic Tradition
by Dwight F. Reynolds
Pdf_iconArabic Folk Epic and the Western Chanson de Geste
by H.T. Norris
Pdf_iconWhich Came First, the Zajal or the Muwaššḥa?
Some Evidence for the Oral Origins of Hispano-Arabic Strophic Poetry

by James T. Monroe
Pdf_iconEpic Splitting: An Arab Folk Gloss on the Meaning of the Hero Pattern
by Henry Massie, Bridget Connelly
Pdf_iconFrom History to Fiction: The Tale Told by the King’s Steward in the Thousand and One Nights
by Muhsin Mahdi
Pdf_iconSung Poetry in the Oral Tradition of the Gulf Region and the Arabian Peninsula
by Simon Jargy
Pdf_iconThe Development of Lebanese Zajal: Genre, Meter, and Verbal Duel
by Adnan Haydar
Pdf_iconQur’ān Recitation: A Tradition of Oral Performance and Transmission
by Frederick M. Denny
by Dwight F. Reynolds
Pdf_iconBanī Halba Classification of Poetic Genres
by Teirab AshShareef

Oral Tradition Volume 4, Number 1-2 Complete Issue

Pdf_icon Oral Tradition Volume 4, Number 1-2 Complete Issue - Individual PDFs

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